Thursday, October 8, 2009


As most of you know I am a wanna be hippie ;) I cloth diaper my kids, I wear cloth pads myself (TMI I know...) I use reusable everything I can and only natural products for cleaning as well as on my skin and my children's skin.
I've been thinking a lot lately though about the fact that I don't follow this lifestyle for my diet. If anything I consume more "poison" in my eating habits then anywhere else in my life. With all the chemicals in our foods and additives it is no wonder the human race is full of disease and behaviour problems.
So, I wonder why am I so concerned about our environment and the world we live in but not my own body? The answer I would give is that our world needs to last for generations to come and so my children have a healthy environment to grow and live in. I wonder though wby I don't think my children deserve a healthy mom to grow and play and live with?
I have read quite a bit on "clean eating" and this is something that totally appeals to me. I realize it is quite a task to take on but I would really like to try this one meal at a time.
If anyone has any great tips or books or websites please leave a comment.


Amanda said...

I know the feeling...if I fed myself half as well as I feed my kids I would be..oh, about 12 sizes smaller...and much healthier, I'm sure! I'm a processed junkfood addict...but I rarely let the kids eat it!

Kathi said...

I don't think that makes you a hypocrite...I believe that makes you an active member in the society of parents with more than one child and not nearly enough...anything to be confident that you can afford to spend the extra (anything) on clean eating, and not be sacrificing somewhere else where you'd rather spend those very valuable anythings.
And I have the clean eating book as well as the clean eating family book. If you give me a bit of time, I will dig them out and get them to you.
We will try clean eating as a family, we just need to start at the right time to make it enjoyable and fun. This is not the right time.

MerryPhotoProps said...

I just wanted to offer a few of the things that we do to help us eating healthy!
(1) Shop the farmers markets. It means we buy fresh food, support local farmers and the variety is amazing at what you can buy local.
(2) We buy freezer orders of meat. We have 1/4 cow, a side of pork, a lamb and a half dozen chickens. With all that in our freezer of local, free range, organic meat it cuts down on costs at the grocery store.
(3) 1 and 2 keep us out of the grocery stores. When I go in all I buy is fresh produce (usually fruit in the winter), sugar (organic), spices. This keeps me away from the junk food aisles.
(4) Meal plan. This is especially important since all our meat is frozen. We know what to thaw everyday and we are less apt to go "there's nothing for supper, let's go out!"
(5) Do your kids like to cook? Can they help with meals? When the sprout is older we intend to put him to work! 5 months is still a bit young to be wielding a knife...

I haven't read the clean eating book, but I have read the 100 mile diet book, and part of Omnivore's dilemma. I like both. Wish I had more time for reading. Good luck in making the change :)