Monday, April 27, 2009

These boots are made for walking

Jordyn got her first real pair of walking shoes on her birthday. We have had them on and off a couple of times as she tries to balance and wobble in the stiffness of new shoes. Her walk has basically turned into more of a marching action as she feels the weight of "real" shoes.
Is is sad to think that with real shoes comes the loss of my baby? I mean I realize she is over one now but she is still the baby.
I guess I just need to accept that these little steps are just the beginning of a life long road ahead that she will march (aka walk) proudly down.

1 comment:

SimplyFrugal said...

aww...look at those cute little feet! Although I'm not a Mom yet, I can imagine how hard it's going to be to see my babies grow up! Thanks for stopping in at my blog, all the best with your garage sale!